Tata Steel – Confirms 1050 Job Losses

Tata Steel

Job Losses

1050 confirmed 18th January 2016

Our thoughts go out to any of those affected by the announcement mentioned in the following BBC Business Report

BBC News Article

As these redundancies are liable to be greater than 20 in number in any one location, much of the single person negotiation options may not be available – however they should be taken into consideration in any dealing with the lay-offs.


Employee Assistance Program

Does your employer off you an Employee Assistance Program?

They are simply fine for general questions, but very few offer any advice on Redundancy, as in effect they would have a conflict of interest.

Use our Support tab to find free, impartial advice from professionals.

Is Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) good for me?

Well the answer to this question, subject to the small print in the contract, should be yes!

Personal Protection Insurance (PPI) was designed to protect your payments if you are made redundant, so check your policy now.

Pay special attention to when the policy will start to pay and the conditions. Some may only start to pay after any payment in lieu of notice (PILON). So they expect you to continue to pay to the amount of time PILON was given.

Example, you received 3 months PILON – they may not accept any claim under PPI until the end of the 3 month period.

PILON therefore, while nice to receive it as part of your final pay, may have an impact on when any PPI claim can be made.

Always check the policy and more importantly the small print.

The First Consultation Meeting

If advised that you are allowed to take someone with you to the meeting – then take them!

At the very least the following should be mentioned either :- in any presentation/paperwork, discussion

  • The reason for the redundancies being made
  • The number of planned redundancies **
  • The redundancy selection process
  • The method of calculation of any proposed redundancy payment (assuming your employment meets the legal criteria within your country)

If these have not been given to you ask to the answers in writing

The signs you may be about to lose your job – Business


  • Your Company isn’t doing well/the boss gives a speech on tough times ahead
  • Unusual amount of off-site/closed-door meetings with senior management
  • Company acquisition/merger taken over a competitor
  • Company re-organisation
  • Recruitment freeze
  • Rumours around work about potential redundancies
  • The annual party is cancelled
  • Large number of teams/people being re-organised

The signs you may be about to lose your job – Personal


  • Your annual pay review is postponed/you’re overlooked for an expected promotion
  • You are asked to fill in your own performance review, there is no managerial input
  • Your expense account/company car allowance gets cut, other benefits are withdrawn
  • Your manager or boss does not include you in meetings, but includes others within your team
  • New manager doesn’t involve you within the team (or individually)
  • Extreme micro management and criticism
  • Losing responsibilities of your role, being undertaken by others within the organisation or outsourced
  • Are you being asked to change your job title/role
  • Are you suddenly being asked to document your work, and create work flows
  • Being asked to suddenly complete timesheets (even if there is an automatic clock-in/out system)
  • Being asked to enter your time into software based systems